Composition As well as the anthocyanoside pigments, the natural components of enocyanine are: sugars (glucose and fructose), organic acids (tartaric acid, malic acid, etc.), proteins, polyphenols and natural salts.
Colour The pigments contained in
enocyanine are the anthocyanidines of the anthocyans, which are the natural
pigments of red fruits, of berries and flowers, which are normally present in
the monoglucoside form. More recent research has shown that grape skin extract is a mixture of mono and dimethyl compounds with several anthocyanidines, belonging to the above mentioned groups, therefore the use of enocyanine as a natural colorant in products based on cherry, strawberry, raspberry and red currant is particularly appropriate.
Stability The stability of grape skin
extract colouring matter is usually very high. The main factors of degradation
are enzimatic and non enzimatic oxidation phenomena, which may cause a colour
loss with subsequent formation of insoluble dark brown
pigments. Such oxidative degradation is enhanced by the light and preservation temperature.
Conservation For the reasons given in the previous paragraph, at temperatures below 15°C and in the darkness there is no appreciable loss of colour for about 6 months. The sulphur dioxide normally contained in enocyanine favours its conservation both for its antioxidant and anti-fermentation action.
Solubility Grape skin extract is soluble in water and in alcoholic and sugary solutions. It is insoluble in lipid solvents. | ||||||||||||||||
Dallari Roberto s.r.l. |